Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicles

Failure to yield to emergency vehicle in Creek County

The failure to yield to emergency vehicles is a costly mistake in Creek County. A Keaton, Ohio EMT is dead and another is fighting critical injuries after a vehicle collided with an ambulance.  The ambulance, with lights and sirens on, was broad-sided by a vehicle which was a failure to yield on part of the civilian driver.  The driver of the ambulance died at […]

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Assault and Battery Explained by Creek County Attorney

Assault and Battery

Assault and Battery is a fairly common charge when it comes to crimes in Creek County.  Take for instance a September news story where a youth basketball coach faced charges of assault and battery against a referee.  The official made a call that set the coach off.  He then hit the ref with his clipboard and a scuffle ensued in which the coach ended […]

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Harboring a Fugitive in Creek County

harboring a fugitive

Harboring a Fugitive in Creek County is a common crime. It’s an obvious thought to many people that helping a loved one or family member run from the law is a normal reaction.  Unfortunately, this is also against the law.  Take for instance the recent story from Morganton, NC.  A man left a gas station without paying for his gas.  The station attendant described […]

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Interfering With an Emergency Call

Interfering with an emergency call

Interfering with an Emergency call in Creek County is a misdemeanor crime. An example of the charge is a case where a Connecticut mother and son recently faced arrest on domestic dispute charges.  The mother discovered the son stealing items from the rooms of family members during a family gathering.  Upon this discovery she attempted to call 911.  The son—noticing her calling—threw a perfume […]

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False Impersonation Charges in Creek County

False Impersonation charges

False Impersonation Charges in Creek County can be charged as a felony. Most people think about false impersonation as a type of identity theft by strangers.  However, this is not always the case.  Take for instance you sign a contract for your spouse.  If the contract comes into legal question and the signature on the form is not your spouse’s, but you signing for […]

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Leaving the Scene of an Accident

Comparative Negligence

Leaving the Scene of an Accident is a crime in Creek County. Its not uncommon for someone in Creek County to have an accident and leave the scene. Many times leaving the scene wasn’t done with criminal intent but non the less the District attorney in Creek County still brings the charge. Recent cases will help to inform you about the crime and how […]

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Expungement of Criminal Records

Essential To Your Estate Plan

Expungement of Criminal Records in Creek County has been expanded. Many people make mistakes early in their lives.  These are often the offenses our clients approach us with for help with regarding an expungement.  Expungements can restore firearm rights, career opportunities, and even certain housing eligibility.  If you are interested in the possibility of expunging your past crimes, this article will explain the process […]

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Manslaughter Charges in Creek County

Manslaughter Charges in Creek County are divided into different degrees. When an action ends in the death of someone, it can lead to homicide charges. An intentional act that leads to someone’s death can be charged as murder or manslaughter. Manslaughter is generally an impulsive murder or an inadvertent murder, where there is no plan ahead of time for the death to occur. In […]

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Violating a Protective Order in Creek County

Violating a Protective Order in Creek County

Violating a protective order in Creek County is a crime.  However, there are many ways in which this can occur.  As a result, it’s first important that you understand what a protective order is and why they exist.  Generally, Oklahoma Courts will place a protective order against a person in one of several situations:  domestic abuse, stalking and harassment, etc.  These intend to protect […]

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Creek County Burglary Charges Explained

Creek County Burglary Charges are divided by degrees and are different depending on the degree. Some people simply see burglary as a singular crime.  This isn’t true.  Depending on the degree, whether it’s first or second, you could face a vastly different prison sentence.  In fact, between the two levels of burglary is a difference of 13 years potential prison time.  Thus, it’s important […]

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