Malicious Defacing of Property Defense

Malicious Defacing of Property

Malicious Defacing of Property of another is no joke in Oklahoma. One September, dozens of tires were slashed at an apartment complex in East Tulsa. Residents suspected it may have been a prank, but did not find the thousands of dollars worth of damage to be a laughing matter. While some teenagers and juveniles may not intend to cause significant damage or real injury […]

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Will Filing Bankruptcy in Creek County Ruin My Credit?

Filing bankruptcy in Creek County doesn’t have to be so hard. One of the first questions any potential bankruptcy filer asks, and understandably so, is about the effect of bankruptcy on their credit. The focus is on what bankruptcy does to someone’s credit score and how long it appears on their credit report. Although your credit score may drop for a time, and bankruptcy […]

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Explaining Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Creek County

A Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Creek County is the most popular form of bankruptcy filed in the State. When people talk about bankruptcy all sorts of confusion and differences of opinion come into play. Bankruptcy really isn’t that confusing. Dealing with debt collectors on the other hand is. In times of economic hardship bankruptcy is a great chance for people to rebuild their financial […]

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Holographic Wills in Oklahoma

Property Line Disputes

Recognizing that everyone will eventually pass on is part of life.  While some people take the time and effort to make a will through an attorney, others do not.  However, there are other forms of last wills and testaments that can be valid in a court setting.  These are holographic wills.  Oklahoma is a state that gives legal validity to holographic wills.  However, certain […]

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Comparative Negligence

Comparative Negligence

Oklahoma comparative negligence can limit recovery in Creek County personal injury cases. Tulsa alone has nearly 30,000 car and truck and motorcycle  collisions annually.  This includes small fender benders, fatality wrecks, and also wrecks that total a vehicle.  Often these wrecks will injure one or more of the people involved.  This triggers a legal theory in Oklahoma law—Comparative Negligence.  In some cases this may […]

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Creek County Truck Accident Attorneys

Creek County Truck Accident Attorneys

Our Creek County Truck Accident Attorneys know what to do when you’ve been in a wreck with a semi-truck. Automobile and motorcycle accidents with commercial vehicles like tractor-trailers, semi-trucks, or 18-wheelers can be terrible. Just in the past month, a man in Tulsa had critical injuries in an accident involving a semi-truck. The driver allegedly hit the rear tandem of the truck and his […]

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Burn Injuries at Work in Creek County

In August of 2017, three men suffered serious burn injuries in a Canadian car wash.  Two of the men are in life threatening condition, while the other is critical but expected to live.  The three men, employees of a car wash, were handling a flammable tire cleaner near an open flame.  The chemicals exploded and engulfed the men in flames.  Other employees hearing and […]

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Child Support Modifications in Creek County

Child Support Modifications

In Creek County Family Court Child support modifications are undertaken on a daily basis. Child support is generally a court order that will span several years.  As a result, it is likely you will experience income fluctuations during this time.  These fluctuations may be a promotion, a demotion, or any other type of job changes.  To modify child support, you will need to file […]

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Who Gets What Debt in Divorce

Easement Disputes

Who Gets What Debt in Divorce isn’t always as easy to figure out as people think. People going through the divorce process are often concerned with property division in divorce.  In fact, this is a very common question for most attorneys.  Did your spouse come into the marriage with debts?  Do you have loans in your name only but for the benefit of the […]

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Drafting a Trust in Estate Planning

Oklahoma Last Will and Testament

Drafting a Trust in Estate Planning is an essential part of an updated Estate Plan in Oklahoma. The largest age demographic in America today is the Baby Boomer generation.  This generation is also in the process of aging into their senior years.  As a result, many people of the Baby Boomer generation are creating an estate plan.  Creating a trust is a significant part […]

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