What Makes a Parent Unfit in a Creek County Custody Case

Unfit Parent

Determining what makes an unfit parent revolves around many variables. The biggest indicator though is their inability to provide a safe and stable environment for the child. In family law, particularly in child custody cases, the determination of parental fitness is a critical factor. This is what the courts will consider to help ensure the welfare of the child. However, it’s important to know […]

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What Exactly is The Best Interest of the Child in Family Court

Best Interest Of The Child

“Best interest of the child” serves as the biggest consideration in decisions regarding custody, visitation, and other aspects of a child’s welfare. This principle ensures that the child’s health, safety, and welfare are of the highest importance in all legal proceedings affecting them. Above all else, the Oklahoma court system prioritizes the needs of children. Here, we’ll discuss what counts as the best interest […]

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Partial Disability: Temporary or Permanent?

partial disability

Partial disability is a state in which you are no longer able to perform the physical tasks you used to. However, you are still able to function and perform other tasks the job may require. Approximately $2.3M to $2.4M goes to partially disabled employees each year in Oklahoma Workers’ Compensation claims. As you can see, this is a significant amount of money in awards. Understanding […]

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Fighting Second Degree Burglary Charges in Creek County

Second Degree Burglary Charges

Second Degree Burglary Charges in Creek County are felony crimes. This means that a conviction for this kind of charge carries potentially significant jail time along with hefty fines and costs. The crime is pervasive in Oklahoma and in Creek County the Police focus on crimes like this. An example of a second degree burglary crime is copper theft. It is estimated that copper […]

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Handling A Bench Warrant For Failure to Pay in Creek County

McGirt v. Oklahoma Supreme Court

Handling a bench warrant for failure to pay in Creek County can be a difficult task for most people facing one. In Oklahoma, when someone doesn’t fulfill their financial obligations from a criminal case, such as fines and costs, a judge may issue a bench warrant for their arrest. This type of warrant can also arise in civil cases due to non-payment as mandated […]

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What Is A Blind Plea In Creek County Criminal Defense

Blind Plea In Creek County

A blind plea In Creek County involves balancing risk. Navigating the intricacies of the legal system in Oklahoma can be daunting, especially for defendants facing criminal charges. Among the options available, a blind plea stands out for its unique blend of uncertainty and potential benefits. In this article, we’ll uncover the essence of blind pleas, explore the motivations behind choosing this path, and dissect […]

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Sole Child Custody in Creek County and How Do I Get It

Terminate a Guardianship

Sole child custody in Creek County involves the situation where one parent acts as the primary decision maker for the children of the parents involved in the case. Child custody cases are most common in divorce or paternity cases. Sometimes the parents can agree on what type of custody they want. If this is the what’s going on in your case the matter will […]

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Will Filing Bankruptcy in Creek County Ruin My Credit?

Filing bankruptcy in Creek County doesn’t have to be so hard. One of the first questions any potential bankruptcy filer asks, and understandably so, is about the effect of bankruptcy on their credit. The focus is on what bankruptcy does to someone’s credit score and how long it appears on their credit report. Although your credit score may drop for a time, and bankruptcy […]

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Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicles

Failure to yield to emergency vehicle in Creek County

The failure to yield to emergency vehicles is a costly mistake in Creek County. A Keaton, Ohio EMT is dead and another is fighting critical injuries after a vehicle collided with an ambulance.  The ambulance, with lights and sirens on, was broad-sided by a vehicle which was a failure to yield on part of the civilian driver.  The driver of the ambulance died at […]

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Harboring a Fugitive in Creek County

Speeding in a School Zone

Harboring a Fugitive in Creek County is a common crime. It’s an obvious thought to many people that helping a loved one or family member run from the law is a normal reaction.  Unfortunately, this is also against the law.  Take for instance the recent story from Morganton, NC.  A man left a gas station without paying for his gas.  The station attendant described […]

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