Creek County Kidnapping Crimes Explained

Getting Kidnapping Crimes Explained to a person helps them understand the elements of the crime. Annual kidnapping crime statistics show that each year around 800,000 people are subject to kidnaps and kidnap attempts.  This is roughly over 2,000 kidnappings that occur each day.  Of these 800,000 annual kidnappings, researchers estimate that 200,000 of them are parental kidnappings.  This article will explain the legal elements of kidnapping in Oklahoma and what punishments you may face if receiving a conviction.

Kidnapping Crimes Explained

Oklahoma’s Statutes define kidnapping under Title 21 §741.  These elements include:

  1. Taking another person;
  2. Without authority;
  3. With intentions to hold the person;
  4. Against their will.

As a result, you can take another person using any form of seizure, flattery, or force.  Further, once you kidnap a person, sending them out of state toKidnapping Crimes Explained do any type of service or forcible labor is more evidence speaking to the false imprisonment element of kidnap charges.  Examples of this can include forced labor as maids, manual laborers, etc.  or sexual exploitation.

Kidnapping Penalties

The law treats kidnapping with little mercy.  Thus, it is automatically a felony crime.  As a result, it remains on your record even after you complete the punishment.  The punishments generally entail up to 20 years per count.  Further, you may face fines and restitution to the victims of an indefinite amount.


There are no defenses for an offender whose victim willingly goes with them if the victim is under 12 years of age.  But, if the victim is over 12 years old and consents, a defense may be available if there is proof the victim left willingly without threats or duress.

Creek County Attorneys

Our Creek County Attorneys understand that Kidnapping Crimes Explained, and understood, help the accused work with their attorney to resolve the charges. As you can see from this article, before the State can prove that you’ve committed the crime of kidnapping, they must prove the elements of the crime. This is not something you want or need to face alone.  We strongly recommend you get legal counsel to defend yourself.