Can I be Jailed for Speeding in a School Zone in Creek County?

Speeding in a School Zone

In Creek County, while most speeding violations, including those in school zones, typically result in fines, court costs and points on your driver license there are circumstances where jail time is a possibility. Here’s a breakdown of the legal implications of speeding in a school zone in Oklahoma:

Range of Punishment for Speeding in a School Zone

Speeding in a school zone is treated seriously due to the heightened risk to children and pedestrians. Standard penalties include:

  • Fines: The fines for speeding in a school zone are higher than regular speeding fines and vary by local jurisdictions. Currently in Creek County you can expect the fines to be over $400.00. This does not include other potential financial assessments like court costs and probation fees.
  • Points on Your Driving Record: Speeding in a school zone adds points to your driving record, which can lead to higher insurance rates or even a suspended license. Currently the number of points is two up to four. The points remain on your license for at least one year but can be on there for longer.
  • Court Costs: Additional fees may be assessed alongside fines.

Factors That Can Lead to Jail Time

While jail time is not common for standard school zone speeding tickets, there are situations where it can occur:

  • Excessive Speeding: Driving far over the speed limit (e.g., 20 mph or more above the limit) could result in a reckless driving charge, which is a misdemeanor punishable by fines and up to 90 days in jail. This is an aggravation factor that really matters.
  • Endangering Others: If your speeding is deemed to have endangered children, crossing guards, or others, you could face additional charges such as reckless endangerment, which may carry jail time. In the event that the speeding leads to physical harm to someone you hit this greatly enhances the crime.
  • Repeat Offenses: If you have a history of traffic violations, especially in school zones, a judge may impose a jail sentence. This is a very important factor. As a traffic ticket attorney a clean record is a big point for negotiation with the city or state prosecutor
  • Failure to Appear: Ignoring a ticket or failing to appear in court could lead to a warrant for your arrest and possible jail time.

School Zone Laws in Oklahoma

  • School zone speed limits are typically lower than the standard speed limit and are enforced during specific times, often when children are present.
  • Flashing lights or posted signs usually indicate when the lower speed limit is active.

Ways To Avoid Jail Time

To avoid jail time for a speeding violation in a school zone:

  • Pay the Fine Promptly: Resolving the ticket promptly can often prevent escalation.
  • Contest the Ticket: If you believe the ticket was issued unfairly, you can contest it in court.
  • Hire an Attorney: If you face additional charges like reckless driving or have a prior record, criminal defense representation can help mitigate the penalties.

Traffic Ticket Lawyers In Creek County

While jail time for speeding in a school zone in Oklahoma is not typical, it can happen in cases of excessive speeding, endangerment, or repeat offenses. To avoid severe consequences, take any school zone speeding ticket seriously and consider consulting a traffic ticket attorney in creek county. For a free consultation with the Kania Law Office – Creek County Attorneys call 918.209-3709 or follow this link to ask a free online legal question.
