Expunging a protective order can seem like an impossible thing, depending on the situation. However, it’s not impossible for a lot of people seeking one. Protective orders serve as vital legal instruments to safeguard individuals from domestic violence, harassment, stalking, and other forms of abuse. However, circumstances may change over time, leading individuals to seek the expungement of these orders. This article examines the […]
Fighting Second Degree Burglary Charges in Creek County
Second Degree Burglary Charges in Creek County are felony crimes. This means that a conviction for this kind of charge carries potentially significant jail time along with hefty fines and costs. The crime is pervasive in Oklahoma and in Creek County the Police focus on crimes like this. An example of a second degree burglary crime is copper theft. It is estimated that copper […]
Things That Are Essential To Your Estate Plan In Creek County
There are certain things that are essential to your Estate plan in Oklahoma. An effective estate plan should include a minimum of the following 5 elements to ensure your assets and wishes are managed and distributed according to your desires. Depending on what assets you have and how you want them passed when you die there may be other requirements but this is a […]
Who Keeps The Engagement Ring In Divorce Cases in Creek County?
The question of who keeps the engagement ring in divorce can be a puzzling one. Navigating a divorce in Oklahoma is more often than not intricate, particularly with regards to the division of assets and property. Among some of the frequent questions are whether one should return the engagement ring or if one party has entitlement to retain it. The following article provides some […]
When Should You File a Probate in Creek County
Knowing whether you should file a probate in Creek County can be tricky. According to Oklahoma law, the necessity of filing probate depends on the type of property that administers upon death. Solid estate planning can help save estate money and simplify the transfer of property when a person dies. This happens by utilizing probate avoidance tools that are fairly straightforward and simple to […]
Differences Between Obstructing and Resisting Charges in Creek County
Knowing the differences between obstructing and resisting charges in Creek County can be crucial for your legal case. In Oklahoma, the legal system differentiates between two distinct offenses that relate to impeding law enforcement. As such, these are obstructing an officer and resisting an officer. While both offenses involve interference with police duties, their definitions have unique characteristics and legal criteria. Obstructing an Officer […]
What Is A Blind Plea In Creek County Criminal Defense
A blind plea In Creek County involves balancing risk. Navigating the intricacies of the legal system in Oklahoma can be daunting, especially for defendants facing criminal charges. Among the options available, a blind plea stands out for its unique blend of uncertainty and potential benefits. In this article, we’ll uncover the essence of blind pleas, explore the motivations behind choosing this path, and dissect […]
Fighting a Protective Order in Creek County
In Oklahoma, protective orders, also known as restraining orders, are legal tools to protect individuals from domestic abuse, harassment, stalking, and other forms of harm. While protective orders are crucial for the safety and well-being of victims, there are instances where individuals may find themselves on the receiving end of a protective order they believe is unjust or unwarranted. In such cases, it is […]
Malicious Defacing of Property Defense
Malicious Defacing of Property of another is no joke in Oklahoma. One September, dozens of tires were slashed at an apartment complex in East Tulsa. Residents suspected it may have been a prank, but did not find the thousands of dollars worth of damage to be a laughing matter. While some teenagers and juveniles may not intend to cause significant damage or real injury […]
Will Filing Bankruptcy in Creek County Ruin My Credit?
Filing bankruptcy in Creek County doesn’t have to be so hard. One of the first questions any potential bankruptcy filer asks, and understandably so, is about the effect of bankruptcy on their credit. The focus is on what bankruptcy does to someone’s credit score and how long it appears on their credit report. Although your credit score may drop for a time, and bankruptcy […]