Peeping Tom Charges in Creek County

Blind Plea In Creek County

Peeping Tom charges in Creek County are more common than people think.  With the advent of photographic technology on smart devices, criminals are even more equipped.  Take for instance the Owasso 7th grade teacher who resigned his position.  The resignation occurred after facing accusations of taking up-skirt photos of a 14 year-old student in his classroom.  The former teacher uploaded several of these pictures […]

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Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicles

Failure to yield to emergency vehicle in Creek County

The failure to yield to emergency vehicles is a costly mistake in Creek County. A Keaton, Ohio EMT is dead and another is fighting critical injuries after a vehicle collided with an ambulance.  The ambulance, with lights and sirens on, was broad-sided by a vehicle which was a failure to yield on part of the civilian driver.  The driver of the ambulance died at […]

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Creek County Expungement Attorneys

Expunging Criminal Records

Our Creek County expungement attorneys can help you get your criminal record sealed. Expungements can remove or “seal” past offenses on your criminal record if you are eligible. Having a past charge or conviction available for the public eye can impose a multitude of burdens in your life. This can include looking for a job, buying or renting a house, or simply keeping the […]

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